
Introduction: With the restoration of profits from syngas glycol, several sets of long-term parking devices have been restarted, in addition, Xinjiang Zhongkun and Yulong Chemical have production plans in the near future, boosted by multiple factors, syngas glycol supply increase is more clear.

Coal prices weak syngas to ethylene glycol profit repair

Although the domestic ethylene glycol supply and demand pattern deteriorated, the port inventory continued to be high, and the domestic ethylene glycol spot market was depressed under the influence of this. However, since the beginning of this year, the overall supply of the domestic coal market is relatively loose, coal companies have solidly promoted the work of increasing coal production and ensuring supply, coal imports have increased, and coal prices have fluctuated downward. The decline in coal prices is relatively large, and the profits from synthetic gas to ethylene glycol are gradually being repaired.

Long shutdown plant restart and new plant put into operation syngas to ethylene glycol supply increase clearly

Due to the problem of efficiency, Yongjin Puyang, Yongjin Yongcheng and Yangmei Shouyang have been restarted recently, and the latest restarted Yangmei Shouyang will also be released at the end of the month. In addition, Xinjiang Zhongkun plans to put into operation in September, Yuleng chemical plans to put into operation in October. In the future, with the restart of maintenance devices such as Tongliao Gold Coal and Guoneng Yulin, domestic supply increment is expected to be strong.

Driven by the recent recovery of macro sentiment, the trend of commodities is strong, and the traditional peak season of “gold nine silver ten” is about to be justified, and the demand side is strong. However, from the perspective of supply and demand structure, the domestic glycol supply and demand contradiction is expected to worsen again, the port high inventory is difficult to solve, and the unstable external factors, the glycol market is still pessimistic in the long term.

Post time: Aug-24-2023